- A collection in the spirit of the Gang of Four’s design patterns, but more specialized toward Java.
- https://java-design-patterns.com
- Maven goal for style checking with the checkstyle plugin: “mvn checkstyle:check”
- To quickly set everything up for maven
- Go to the directory above where you want yor
file and src
- Execute
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4
You will be promted for the following items:
- groupId uniquely identifies your project across all projects. A group ID should follow Java’s package name rules.
For example,
- artifactId is the name of the jar without version.
If you created it, then you can choose whatever name you want with lowercase letters and no strange symbols.
If it’s a third party jar, you have to take the name of the jar as it’s distributed.
- version if you distribute it, then you can choose any typical version with numbers and dots (1.0, 1.1, 1.0.1, …)
Google “Semantic Versioning”. Use 0 point something while in development with little or no stability.
- Note that it seems to be artifactId that controls the top level directory name.
- To set up a Spring Boot environment quickly: https://start.spring.io/
- An article explaining how to make a minimal JRE with a launch script that will run on serveral platforms.